You need to find DEEP SET EYES MAKEUP ways to brighten them up so that they can look outstanding. You need to know how to dress up or dress down the deep set eyes depending on the occasion. It will all depend on the eye shadow colors that you would choose plus the other products you would use in order to.
That is why when someone is blessed with wide-set eyes the others have beautiful deep set eyes, and there is nothing wrong with that. The only thing is that you need to be aware of all the best ways of bringing your eyes out and of course makeup is in the first place when it comes to that.
- Source: lavieencosmetiques via Instagram pinkperception via Instagram : glamorousreflections via Instagram glamorousreflections via Instagram beisly via Instagram marisolbautistaa via Instagram : makeupbyjcole via Instagram
If you’re a gal with deep-set eyes, chances are you have large eyes that are set deeper into the eye sockets, creating the illusion of a more prominent brow bone. Your eyes are likely large and you have a prominent brow bone. To apply eye makeup to deep set eyes, you should start by washing and priming your eyelids.